Playing: Fear Less by Nick Murphy (Chet Faker)
A sky tinted pink. A denseness to the air resembles cotton candy. One could not help but fall in love with this nighttime hue. A dancing shimmer animated every hint of movement around—illumination dancing in melodic formation. Thousands in occupancy. The mood was uplifting. The energy was love. Caressed by the warmth of the night. Careless of the existence of time. Nothing else seemed to matter, but this sheer freeing moment. She danced the night away. I fell in sequence with her sway. 'Thump-thump, groove' penetrated us with each beat note. Music surrounded all sides, and enhanced all senses, with the melody the puppeteer's strings to our body sway. We became victims to the music. Light on our feet. A rhythmic beat thumped at our ears. We could levitate inches if we really let ourselves. Uplifted. High. And it felt so right. We surrendered to the night. I didn’t know her, just know this, but it had felt like I did. I didn't know him, but my soul told me otherwise. I closed my eyes to embrace everything, and open to the world spinning in 360, and in the surrendering, all was complete. The thousands around became none. It was just me with her. Black and white became the tint. From pink to pure elegant noir. Pureness purified the present. Time slows around us. For us. It was just me, with her. The peak takes us. The peak overcomes us. We embrace this moment in fullness. Electro waves grip the world, and spin it. Counter clockwise in motion this time—a dreamlike reality. A constant spin, yet we stand still. This presence keeps us present. Nothing else matters, but this very moment. Alive, intention in our breaths—The universe gifts us a sincere “You’re welcome.” I peer up. The warmth of the air dims to match the tone of noir amongst us. A drop hits my face. A pink one follows. She peers up. A blanket of pink rain overcomes our surrounding space. Thousands of pink faces dance all around us. We smile in complete acceptance. We continue our dance and sway as the music takes us away. This atmosphere was pure bliss. From noir to pink—pink was the color of the night that very night; the rainfall continued around. The night was love. I fell in love. 
He became the love I wished for that night.
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