Who are we to deny the unfathomable truth that this all is just simply beyond us.
Take a look around: Mother is screaming, yet we just rather not listen to the cry. Why do we dare pretend we are so much larger than it all, as if we have this figured out? Ego-driven souls will never produce the results that this larger whole is asking of us. The solution to this catastrophic state sits embedded within, sits in the state of unification, the construct of equalization, of acceptance, of healing. To exist solely as the individual does only so much to bring forth the change needed. We must, more than ever, rely on one another to ease the grasp Mother has on us. She is trying to teach us something. Let’s come back to the deepest truth: we all initially came from Her. It's time to listen.
This is a cry, as I shed these tears not just for myself, but for all. The reality is that the majority of us are in pain, yet rather turn a blind eye to it. It’s impossible, with the nature of things, to not be. Please tell me otherwise. To be a witness of this delusion truly saddens me. Why can’t we just accept this, accept the pain that is definite, and shed that tear that has been sitting right at the surface of our eye for days, weeks, months, years? This in itself might just shake the blur, just if a little, to the reality we are all currently living in. 
I have naturally come back to my home, closer to Her, closer to nature and its pure existence. It's been the most rewarding way to exist. I have seen Her purity, and how She ceases to exist as She is always meant to, even with Her flaws–She has never held back in existing as the reflector of how I should exist for Her. Nature has been a teacher to me and has taught me one crucial thing: we come from Her; we are a part of Her, and not apart from Her. To be is to affect Her in some sort of way, and from how I am witnessing nature currently, it’s not hard to see that we just simply haven’t been showing up for Her, as She has always for us. The divide between us and Her, as well as amongst ourselves, has been definitive. Wake up to this–we have no other option. Mother is shaking Her children to wake up from this dream we are living in. To wake up is to exist now and see it all for what it is. To wake up is to see how nature reflects back our truth. Existing is knowing our breath is our soul connection to Mother Nature–She has always existed within us. She is pure, and in our truest form, so are we. 
Stop waiting for the world to save itself. Stop praying for someone to save us, yet turning the page with the same inner dialogue. Stop sitting dormant, with the simple hope that a better day will come. We have mountains to climb, deserts to trek, weather storms to overcome–wounds to accept. We have work to do, to get through it. We have a bond to build with Mother once again. It's to believe enough pressure will create a diamond. My God, let me tell you this much: regardless of how we decide to show up in this world, how little or how big we do, we all naturally show up for something. It’s just simply human to. Why not show up towards making our home a place worth living in.
Listen: all we can do is unite more than ever as one, be good to those around as we are all family, look back towards nature for the lessons needed to be learned, and believe this alone will bring forth the peace needed to calm any storm.
To say hopelessness has overcome us would be opposing to what I feel is the truth. I believe, more than ever, we are hopeful–fear is the next obstacle we are working past. Once passed, Mother Nature will undoubtedly sing once again. 
Up you go