My mind still wonders what it would be like to be touched by it's soul—to be hugged, to feel, to understand this soul's true place and meaning, this soul's importance in it's belonging, to surrender to it's embrace and let this mind be of this soul, rather than this soul of this mind. Wouldn't it be nice if this mind used it's eyes to see, ears to listen, heart to feel, a touch that's real—comedy in such a statement you might think. But listen my friend, the true humor is realizing the irony of the potential truth that this mind is, in fact, asleep to the truth that has always been, just maybe. This soul breathes within, patient, softly, and waiting.
And I look back to 2 years past, to think simply, wow. I now know what it feels like to be touched by this soul. I am the truth that has always been.
-Ian, thoughts amid a peaceful place. (Updated 11/21/22)